A Triple Shot of Mystery Blogger Awards.


Right now I am feeling extremely humble because I have received, not one but three Mystery Blogger Awards.  They come from three very talented sites whose links will be listed below.  They are Rhyme and Reason, DB Movies Blog, and Plain Simple Tom’s Reviews.   I am very thankful that they each nominated me, and I do apologize for the lateness of this post.

A big shout out goes  to Okoto Enigma for creating this award in the first place.  It’s damn good thing that this exists so we can help support each other.

The rules of the tag/award are:

  • Put the award logo/image on your blog
  • List the rules.
  • Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Mention the creator of the award
  • Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
  • Nominate 10 – 20 people
  • Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog
  • Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question
  • Share a link to your best post(s)


Three Things About Me


  1.  I play the drums.

I have been doing it for at least a few years now, and I am getting better at it.  Right Now I’m in two bands.  One is a cover band called Victory Riot(Formally Parental Advisory), and the other that just got started is The Robbie Rist Power Pop Extravaganza.

2.  I own a Laserdisc Player.

I also still buy discs whenever I can too.  As you can see in this video, I have a pretty good selection

3.  I have only worked on one movie set my entire life,and I no longer remember the name of it.  All I do remember is that we were shooting a driving scene at night.  I was the guy whose job it was to move a pair of light around like they were headlights from other cars every few minutes.

hmmm My Best Post is probably my

The Ten Commandments for Cinephiles.



So here are the questions from DBMoviesBlog

  1. Do you have a favourite Oscar-winning (Best Picture category) film? If yes, what is it? Annie Hall
  2. Who is your favourite super-hero (be in it a comics or film)? Spider-Man
  3. Do you have a favourite movie which you have watched more times than any other in your life? If yes, what is it?  Pulp Fiction
  4. Horror films are generally underappreciated. Would you agree? Not for those who love the genre it’s not
  5. If you were any home appliance, what would you have wanted to be? (a funny-weird question as required)  Margot Robbie’s Bathtub.



Now for the questions from Plain Simple Tom Reviews

  1. What’s your favourite movie quote?  Ughhh I can’t think of just one.   I’lll just go with this gem from Heathers as you can see below
  2. Which book does everyone need to read, right now? The House of Leaves by Mark Z Danielwiski.  It’s what I call an experimental novel because it plays with what a book can do, and it actually will scare you
  3. What would your last meal on Earth be? It depends on what Mars is serving.
  4. If it was Groundhog Day, what song would play for you every morning at 6 am? Vow By Garbage
  5. What have I got in my pocket?  My Soul



Finally the last round of  questions come from  Rhyme and Reason

  1. What film(s) do you love that others seem to ignore or not even know about?  Tape from Richard Linklater(3 actors inside one room and it’s brilliant) 
  2. If you had to eat one food (or kind of food) for the rest of your life, what would it be? Pizza(There are tons of flavor combinations you can have on it so you never have the same one twice)
  3. If technology allowed us to live in an ideal virtual Matrix-world, would you choose that over reality? I thought were were already inside The Matrix
  4. What one film do you think is vastly overrated? I’m might get some shit for saying this, but The Fast and The Furious Franchise.  There are way too many movies and the first one was just mediocre at best
  5. For a fun question, you have three paradox-free wishes that won’t come back to bite you (says a genie). What would they be?  To have sex with Blake Lively while Ryan Reynolds wears his Deadpool costume and watches us.  Oh and he also has to  sing Wham’s Careless Whispers at the same time



Now for my nominees. (If  you are not on this list, don’t get upset.  I most likely already nominated you here and here)

Public Transportation Snob

The Stop Button

Film and Nuance

Surrender To The Void

Assholes Watching Movies

On The Screen Reviews

Emma K Explains it All

The Blazing Reel

Epileptic Moondancer

Movie Rob

Keith and The Movies

Rambling Film

Suddenly a Shot Rang Out

Space Cortez Writes

Riley Film Reviews

All My Life….. I wanted to be a Blogster

Oracle of Film




 ScreenTrax(screentrax.net) is a new podcast I’m starting that reviews movies and the soundtrack that goes with them.  What is your favorite Movie Soundtrack?

If you had the chance to live inside the world of one movie for a year.  Which one would it be?

What do you find frustrating about the status of movie criticism and blogging?

What do you find rewarding about being a  movie critic or blogger?

(Funny One/ Weird One)  You have 45 days to find a partner.  Otherwise you will be turned into an animal of your choice.  Which animal do you pick?


Image is from Jess Archer Vs.  A cool series you can watch on Amazon Prime.  Read my Reviews on Channel Superhero



About The Vern

I love movies and I enjoy writing about them too. They both go pretty much hand in hand with each other and it's fun to discover new classics. I co host the podcasts The Film Pasture, ScreenTrax, and soon Cinema Recall. While also contributing reviews and articles to other great sites when I can.
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12 Responses to A Triple Shot of Mystery Blogger Awards.

  1. Pingback: - Riley Film Reviews

  2. Thank you 🙂 ❤ I hope you don't mind me answering my questions here!

    What is your favorite Movie Soundtrack? That's so tough. Anything Sophia Coppola probably. Maybe Virgin Suicides?

    If you had the chance to live inside the world of one movie for a year. Which one would it be? Legend!

    What do you find frustrating about the status of movie criticism and blogging? I love our blogging community. I think it's frustrating when non-critics roll their eyes AT critics or bloggers like our opinions are over-the-top or not substantial toward the general audience, you know?

    What do you find rewarding about being a movie critic or blogger? The community (hey!).

    (Funny One/ Weird One) You have 45 days to find a partner. Otherwise you will be turned into an animal of your choice. Which animal do you pick? A baby kitty. (i hated The Lobster haha).

    • The Vern says:

      I recently just seen Legend and I understand your reason why.you want to live there. Ha ha, you are not alone in your hatred of The Lobster. I enjoyed that movie but am fine if others did not. Hell The Witch was praised by many and I hated that movie., Thanks for answering my questions

  3. movierob says:

    tnx Vern,

    Here are my responses:

    ScreenTrax(screentrax.net) is a new podcast I’m starting that reviews movies and the soundtrack that goes with them. What is your favorite Movie Soundtrack?
    Probably Forrest Gump – Its got such an amazing group of diverse songs

    If you had the chance to live inside the world of one movie for a year. Which one would it be?
    Easy – in a Galaxy far far away!

    What do you find frustrating about the status of movie criticism and blogging?
    that its easy to set goals, but harder to keep them

    What do you find rewarding about being a movie critic or blogger?
    the ability to talk about my favorite thing…movies with people all around the world at all times of the day due to the various time differences

    (Funny One/ Weird One) You have 45 days to find a partner. Otherwise you will be turned into an animal of your choice. Which animal do you pick?
    I didnt like The Lobster at all, but… I’d go with Panda (dunno why tho, just a guess)

    tnx for the nomination Vern!

  4. The Vern says:

    Forrest Gump is a great soundtrack. I even really enjoyed Casino for the same idea. It just has a bunch of great old tunes. Hmm Which planet on Star Wars would you want to live on. Thanks for the answers Rob

  5. vinnieh says:

    Congrats on all the awards love.

  6. Khalid Rafi says:

    Thanks a bunch for the nomination man. My responses:

    What is your favorite Movie Soundtrack?
    Favorite soundtrack would have to be Trainspotting or High Fidelity. Garden State would be a close third.

    If you had the chance to live inside the world of one movie for a year. Which one would it be?
    Something about the noir-ish and futuristic world shown in Blade Runner really attracts me. So it would have to be that.

    What do you find frustrating about the status of movie criticism and blogging?
    I feel that there are often movies I really want to talk about but often don’t have the time to and at other times it takes me a really long time to properly compose and articulate how I feel about the movie. It’s definitely hard work but I do love it.

    What do you find rewarding about being a movie critic or blogger?
    Just knowing that someone is reading what I have to write, even if it’s just a couple of people. So I always appreciate feedback. But also, the feeling of authorship over what i write. I find that very rewarding.

    (Funny One/ Weird One) You have 45 days to find a partner. Otherwise you will be turned into an animal of your choice. Which animal do you pick?
    A cat, for sure.

    • The Vern says:

      OOh I like the Blade Runner world very much despite it being crowded and raining all the time. I agree there are certain movies that are hard to give their time to compose a descent review on because of time. Thank you for all the responses

  7. Pingback: I Have Been Granted the Mystery Blogger Award - Riley on Film

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